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Train, Bus & Subway Accidents

Mass Transit Accident Law Firm

Representing Injured Victims of Train, Bus & Subway Crashes

Kreindler is closely following the Amtrak Empire Builder train derailment near Joplin, Montana.

Train Accident Litigation Demands Experience

Though mass transit accident cases can be quite complex, Kreindler & Kreindler attorneys have the extensive knowledge, resources, and rigorous litigation experience that continues to produce consistently favorable results for our clients. 

Some of our more notable railroad accident cases involved systems that lacked Positive Train Control (PTC) technology, which can stop or slow a speeding train in order to prevent a derailment.

Amtrak 601, a Siemens ACS-64 lead the train in the Amtrak 188 derailment

Examples of train crashes involving lack of PTC in which Kreindler has represented clients include:

This safety technology has existed for 40 years; the National Transportation Safety Board listed it on their “Most Wanted” list in 1990. Congress made it required by law in 2008, with a deadline of December 2020 for implementation. But most rail roads were delinquent in installing the technology and preventable accidents occurred during the repeatedly extended deadline. Currently, there are several commuter railroads behind the deadline.

Another significant Kreindler train crash case followed the Crescent City, FL derailment of an Amtrak Auto Train. Kreindler attorney David Cook played an important role in securing a seven figure resolution for our client.

As a result of Kreindler’s longtime leadership in so many mass transit legal cases, courts have recognized the firm’s ability to make recommendations on methodology of assigning damage valuations. This legal collaboration was particularly noteworthy during the Federal litigation as a result of the fatal crash of Amtrak 188 near Philadelphia.   

Bus Crash Litigation Experience

Kreindler attorneys have successfully resolved multiple New York bus crash cases. Partner Noah Kushlefsky successfully litigated a tragic school bus crash that claimed the life of a nine-year-old Bronx child. That fatal school bus crash resulted in a $7.5 million settlement.

In a separate tour bus crash case, attorney Kushlefsky was named by the court as Lead Counsel for all victims of a commercial rollover bus crash that resulted in multiple fatalities. He was successful in securing a global settlement on behalf of all victims for the crash of the 1992 Van Hool tour bus that was en route from Brooklyn to Atlantic City.

In another multi-million dollar bus accident result, attorneys Jim Kreindler, Megan Wolfe Benett, and Noah Kushlefsky were successful in resolving all cases arising from a Greyhound Lines bus crash on the Adirondack Northway. Four passengers and the bus driver were killed as a result of this crash in which Kreindler’s prosecution focused on the vehicle’s tires and inadequate maintenance. Attorney Kushlefsky was named by the court as Lead Counsel.

Kreindler in the Media

After a major bus, train, or subway crash, TV and print media outlets often turn to Kreindler’s attorneys to offer insight and analysis.

Kreindler Attorney David Cook speaker about the Hoboken Terminal Train Crash

Public Service by Private Attorneys

Typically, mass transit is safe. However, a small mistake, an act of negligence, or a defective part on a bus, train, or subway car can have catastrophic consequences. Whether one person was seriously injured or dozens were killed, Kreindler attorneys will work to find out why the accident happened, make sure it doesn’t happen again, and ensure that injured individuals and families can move forward supported by a fair financial recovery from those responsible.

Whether it’s a public transportation government entity or a private company, Kreindler’s mass transit accident legal team will work to hold them accountable. Our litigation experience has helped strengthen safety regulations and practices. We’re always focused on ensuring that what happened, never happens again by forcing change in safety procedures, product and component design or by motivating a change in the law.

Kreindler attorneys will file suit against any and all negligent parties, including municipalities, cities and government entities, to help victims obtain the largest possible compensation for their injury or loss.

Mass Transit Attorneys for Even the Most Disastrous Events

Not many law firms have the necessary financial resources to fight the entities involved in mass transit systems like trains, subways, and buses. Kreindler does. Beyond experienced Kreindler attorneys, we engage industry experts to investigate the accident and help us identify who was responsible. Our investigations often begin where official government inquiries end. With such an extensive body of experience, we know what to focus on.

What are the deadlines for compensatory damages claims?

What if public transportation operators attempt to limit their liability?

How do you project all the costs of your future medical needs? 

How does a deceased victim’s family demonstrate to a jury all they’ve lost? 

Kreindler attorneys have the answers, and we’re here to help.

What are some of the most common causes of serious mass transit accidents?

Operator error: Drivers or other operators of public transportation vehicles who are tired, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, distracted by cellphones or another worker, or otherwise act in a reckless, dangerous or negligent manner;

Mechanical problems: Problems with a mechanical part on a bus, train, or ferry;

Poor maintenance: Government agencies or private companies that operate such vehicles have a responsibility to properly maintain them;

Defective parts: In some cases, a manufacturer’s faulty part or design flaw can be to blame;

Unsafe conditions: From bad weather to poor lighting, mass transit accidents can be linked to dangerous road, rail, or water conditions and an operator’s obligation to use reasonable care under the circumstances.

Kreindler mass transit accident attorneys understand that more than one of these factors may have contributed to a train, bus, or subway accident. Kreindler has a stellar record of success in major accident cases of all types. This includes overcoming attempts by transportation operators to limit their own liability.

Referring Counsel: Let’s Discuss Your Client’s Case 

Kreindler regularly partners with attorneys who already have a relationship with the victim or their family. If there is an award, we share our fee while allowing referring attorneys to be as involved as is appropriate. 

Lawyers unfamiliar with the complex challenges of train, bus, and subway accident law may miss key issues, and therefore opportunities to secure and maximize compensation. We have the resources to dig deep and challenge even large international companies in court. 

Call on Our Experience

Since 1950, our attorneys have served as leading counsel in nearly every major commercial aviation disaster litigation. Kreindler’s vast experience covers victims of plane crashes and train, bus, and subway accidents but also includes mass tort, product injury, and complex personal injury. Having helped so many others, we really do understand the impact a train, bus, and subway accident can have on your family and your life. Sadly, what has been done cannot be undone. However, we are here to help you achieve a sense of closure, justice, and financial security to help you move on following a tragedy. 

Call today 800.331.2782 or fill out our contact form.

Photo Credit: Amtrak 601, Nathan D. Holmes via Creative Commons License
Photo Credit: MTA Train, Bebo2good1 
via Creative Commons License
