Kreindler Aviation Attorneys Monitoring Crash of Learjet 55 Medical Flight into a Busy Metro Area in Philadelphia
February 1, 2025
What Happened to Leerjet 55 Jet Rescue Air Ambulance Operating as Med Jets 56
On the evening of January 31, 2025, a Learjet 55 owned by Jet Rescue Air Ambulance crashed into a busy neighborhood shortly after departing from Northeast Philadelphia Airport. Less than a minute after takeoff, air traffic controllers lost contact with the aircraft as it suddenly descended at an extreme speed, crashing near a shopping center and causing extensive destruction on the ground. The crash claimed the lives of all six people on board and one person on the ground. At least 19 innocent bystanders on the ground were seriously injured. In a tragic coincidence, in a previous case, Kreindler attorneys successfully represented the family of a victim on the ground who was permanently disabled following the crash of a Lear jet in Mexico.
The plane was headed to Springfield-Branson National Airport in Missouri before continuing on to Tijuana International Airport in Mexico. The purpose of the flight was to transport a seriously ill pediatric patient and her mother from Shriners Children’s Hospital, where she had received lifesaving medical treatment, back home to Mexico. Also on board were a doctor, a paramedic, and a two-person flight crew, all of whom were Mexican nationals.
Kreindler in the Media
Kreindler’s Medflight EMS Medical Air Ambulance Case Experience
Kreindler has significant experience investigating and litigating claims arising out of EMS, medical, air ambulance and care flight fixed-wing flight accidents. These cases include:
Crash of PC-12 Meflight Near Stagecoach, Nevada
On February 24, 2023, a Pilatus PC-12 operated by Guardian Flight crashed near Stagecoach, Nevada while transporting a patient from Reno, NV to Salt Lake City, UT, killing five. Kreindler & Kreindler currently represents the family of the patient, his wife, and both of the medical crew members who perished aboard the flight.
Crash of Piper Cherokee in Elko, Nevada
In November 2016, a Piper Cherokee conducting an EMS flight crashed into a parking lot in Elko, NV after losing engine power shortly after takeoff. All people on board were killed. Kreindler & Kreindler represented the families of both medical crew members, in claims against Reno Flying Service, the maintainer of the aircraft.
Kreindler Experience with Learjet Aircraft Crashes
Crash of Learjet 31A Airplane Near Apaseo el Alto, Mexico
Kreindler successfully represented the family of an individual killed in the 2015 crash of a Learjet 31A shortly after takeoff near Apaseo El Alto, Mexico. Kreindler & Kreindler’s post-crash investigation discovered that an issue with the stabilizer trim had caused the crash.
About Kreindler & Kreindler
Kreindler is the preeminent aviation accident law firm in the world. Our attorneys have been appointed leading counsel in nearly every major commercial airline disaster case in the U.S. and abroad. Our aviation accident attorneys include veteran military pilots Justin Green (USMC), Brian Alexander (U.S. Army) and Dan Rose (U.S. Navy). Partner Brian Alexander served as a helicopter and fixed-wing pilot and flew medevac missions. Since 1950, our lawyers have fought diligently to achieve an unprecedented record of success in resolving plane and helicopter crash cases on behalf of our clients. Kreindler maintains offices in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles.