EMS Helicopter Crash Maryland
The plague of unfortunate emergency medical services (EMS) helicopter crashes continues. Kreindler & Kreindler is monitoring the investigation of the September 28, 2008, Maryland crash that caused four deaths. While it is never easy to determine the immediate cause of EMS accidents, a review of their history makes it clear that determining the reason may be hard and that simply assuming that the cause is solely pilot error is often wrong. For example, in a recent medevac helicopter case handled by Kreindler & Kreindler, careful investigation and expert analysis disclosed a fuel control system failure.
The aviation lawyers at Kreindler & Kreindler have published articles identifying the endemic safety problems that plague the EMS industry. The Kreindler firm has also conducted an exhaustive study of all United States EMS accidents and has an important database, which addresses causal issues.
The rights of passengers and crew are wholly dependant on an investigation that produces the right answer to the serious question, “Why did the accident happen?” While passengers in medevac aircraft or helicopters, of course, should be assured a safe flight — even in an emergency — the pilot and medical team should also be able to rely on a defect-free helicopter. Flight crews and medical personnel have rights to be protected as well.